Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chinese exam.

This is a Chinese exam. The teacher provides the left-hand side, and the student fills in the blank on the right-hand side.

上句 下句

頭可斷,血可流 …… 靚女不可不追求!
生不入官門 …… 死不鎅豬扒!
相嗌唔好口 ………… 夠薑就隻揪!
天地有正氣 …… 冇錢冇天理!
開門七件事 ………… 吃、喝、玩樂、飲、蕩、吹!
男人大丈夫 ……… 流血不留堂!
人為財死 ………… 女為仔亡!
夕陽無限好 ……… 唔及裙底春光好!
忍一時風平浪靜 … 下一步準備劈友!
不在乎天長地久 … 只在乎索女受媾!

睇到啲咁嘅嘢,真係好嬲,唔係嬲佢壞,係嬲佢無聊,乜而家啲人搞到咁嘅地步,啲咁嘅嘢,拎去屎坑都會臭過啲屎,但班香港嘅衰仔衰女仲喺網上大叫「好笑呀,好正呀!」,有冇搞錯?食著豆咩,唔知個醜字點寫。我以前喺「模範中學」隔籬聽過有個模範仔唱「粗口歌」,都比呢啲好得多,人地起碼唱得順口,冇黐脷根丫嘛,上下句仲有埋對聯添噃,乜乜『一介寒儒、攀龍、攀鳳、攀丹桂;三個和尚,玩手、玩腳、玩XX。』,哈,Any thing that can be read without any trouble was probably written without any trouble。 民間嘅嘢,文者謂之文,淫者謂之淫,我叫阿文,冇有怕。講咗咁耐,都係咸豐年嘅事,真嘥氣,嚡!時至今日,我都好落後囉。

Tony: You are not seeing double. The other post could be deleted due to limited storage. The above funny addition is from Bai Ding. Bai Ding must spend some time to save the Cantonese Chinese characters.

The teacher gave 0 to the student. It is quite unfair to me. The score should be:

110% for imagination - who says Chinese students have no imagination,
0% for political correctness,
90% if the teacher is a male,
0% if female (unfortunately true for this case),
-10% if for spinster,
150% if sexy, young teacher, haha.

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