Thursday, April 2, 2009

Letter from a patriot (in Chinese)

This is the famous letter from a patriot to his young wife. It is circulated to me by Bai. Thanks!

It is many, many times sadder than the Letters from Iwo Jima where the Japanese soldiers were portrayed as ‘human beings’. Watch Nanjing, the documentary, and you will see what I mean.




至愛汝,即此愛汝一念,使吾勇於就死也。吾自遇汝以來,常願天下有情人都成眷屬;然遍地腥羶,滿街狼犬,稱心快意,幾家能夠?語云:「仁者老吾老以及人之 老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。」吾充吾愛汝之心,助天下人愛其所愛,所以敢先汝而死,不顧汝也。汝體吾此心,於啼泣之餘,亦以天下人為念,當亦樂犧牲吾身與汝身 之福利,為天下人謀永福也。汝其勿悲!


真真不能忘汝也。回憶後街之屋,入門穿廊,過前後廳,又三、四折,有小廳,廳旁一室,為吾與汝雙棲之所。初婚三、四月,適冬之望日前後,窗外疏梅篩月影, 依稀掩映。吾與汝並肩攜手,低低切切,何事不語?何情不訴?及今思之,空餘淚痕。又回憶六、七年前,吾之逃家復歸也,汝泣告我:「望今後有遠行,必以具 告,我願隨君行。」吾亦既許汝矣。前十餘日回家,即欲乘便以此行之事語汝;及與汝對,又不能啟口。且以汝之有身也,更恐不勝悲,故惟日日呼酒買醉。嗟夫! 當時余心之悲,蓋不能以寸管形容之。

吾誠願與汝相守以死。第以今日時勢觀之,天災可以死,盜賊可以死,瓜分之日可以死, 奸官污吏虐民可以死,吾輩處今日之中國,無時無地不可以死,到那時使吾眼睜睜看汝死,或使汝眼睜睜看我死,吾能之乎?抑汝能之乎?即可不死,而離散不相 見,徒使兩地眼成穿而骨化石;試問古來幾曾見破鏡重圓?則較死尤苦也。將奈之何!今日吾與汝幸雙健,天下之人,不當死而死,與不願離而離者,不可數計;鍾 情如我輩者,能忍之乎?此吾所以敢率性就死,不顧汝也。






  1. It is better to be a dog in peaceful time (except in China) than a man in troubled time.

    We've not paid enough respect to the patriots of our time.

  2. Partial translation of the letter.

    与妻书(清 林觉民) The Last Letter to My Wife –-by Lin Juemin


    My beloved Yiying:
    I hereby say goodbye to you, never to return. While writing this letter, I still belong to this world, but by the time you read it, I will have been transferred to the hell.


    When composing this message, I get so sad that tears mix with ink on the piece of paper. Unable to finish it, I feel tempted to put the pen aside. Then on second thought, I am afraid that you may fail to grasp my intention. That is, you are likely to misunderstand that I am not only ruthless enough to leave you behind but also oblivious to your insistence that I must not end my life. Therefore, repressing my sadness, I go on explaining the reason to you.


    I love you with all my heart. It is thanks to my deep affection for you that I pluck up my courage to face death. Since our first contact, I have always hoped that all the sincere couples in this world will be tied by marriage. Nevertheless, as the present world is full of disgusting smell and fierce beasts, how many of them can be said to be blissful? Like Bai Juyi, who was depressed by the unfair treatment he had suffered, I am not so cool-headed as Heaven that I can overlook compassion. As mentioned in one of the classics, the kind person respects all the seniors and also cherishes all the children, whether they are related to him by blood. Encouraged by my passion for you, I am determined to help human beings love their beloved ones. For this reason, I dare to embrace death sooner than you, deserting you heartlessly. Supposing you get into my heart and soul, you are bound to take all our fellow countrymen into consideration even though you may be full of sorrow. In this way, you may be happy that we stand up for the everlasting welfare of all mankind at the cost of our own. With this in mind, you have good reason not to be saddened.


    Do you remember I had a significant conversation with you one night about four years ago? On that occasion, I said, "If I have to make a choice, I would rather die later than you." On hearing this, you flew into a temper. After listening to my patient clarifications, you still disagreed with me but found no suitable words to refute me.


    My main point is that you are too feeble to bear the loss of me. How dare I die earlier than you and leave the unbearable sorrow to you? Thus, I would rather mourn your death than let you mourn mine. Oh, how heartbreaking! Who can foretell that I am to die sooner than you? Needless to say, I cherish you more than anything else.


    Now my memory goes back to our house, which is situated on the hind lane and forms a part of a huge housing complex. After entering the gate and walking on the hallways, one may pass by the antechamber and hind chamber. Taking three or four turns, one will see a small living room. Next to the living room is our nest of love. Some four months after our marriage, roughly on December 22nd, the moonlight peered through the sparsely-planted plum trees near the window, painting the ground with bright and dark spots. I strolled with you hand in hand in the garden, exchanging all sorts of views and revealing all the secrets in our hearts to each other. Thinking of the warm incidents is now making me tearful.


    Another thing which happened six or seven years ago comes back into my mind. Then I returned home after getting away. As soon as you saw me, you wailed, saying, “If you ever have to leave home again, be sure to take me with you." And I agreed. Last time when I was home, more than ten days ago, I intended to have told you about this mission, but when you were in my presence, my tongue failed me. Moreover, as you were with child again, I held my tongue lest you should be overwhelmed with grief. What I could do then was drink myself to unconsciousness day after day. Oh! My sorrow was beyond description in that period of time.


    I really desire to to keep you company until we both die a natural death. However, in terms of the current situation, everyone is liable to die of natural disaster, robbery, foreign occupation, or corrupted officials' persecution. As miserable Chinese of the present, we are compelled to die anywhere and anytime. With our final days imposed upon us, can I bear to see you perish before my eyes, or can you take a similar act?


  3. I did not do the above translation. It is from the web.

  4. Bai said: The fact the translator can understand this style of Chinese writing tells me that his/her Chinese proficiency is very high. This is a literate style (文言),not exactly classical, 古文, but it can be a challenge for people who have never been exposed to.
