Sunday, March 29, 2009

* 真係笑死我.........

So funny!!!

> 改 英 文 名 真 係要 小 心 呀 .....
> 時限篇
> Judy Fan (D), Andy Fan (D), Jack Cheung ( 即將), Judy Heung (D
> ),Trendy Lam(趁地稔)
> 食物篇
> Robert Ko (蘿蔔糕) Albert Yip (牛柏葉), Barbie Kiu (Barbecue), Rita Lai
> (維他奶), Frankie Tong (蕃茄湯), Jeffrey Tong (豬肺湯)Pinky Lam (冰淇
> ), Mic Kong (米缸)
> 攪笑篇
> Ben Chu (笨豬, PaulChan (破產 ), Annie Mo(Animal), DanielWu (訂尿壺), Joe Yeung(遭殃).
> 地點∕家居篇
> Marble To(馬寶道), Suky Wan (筲箕灣), Polly Cheung (玻璃窗), June
> Cheung(磚牆)
> 事先張揚篇
> Billy Chun (比你蠢), Billy Chow (比你醜), Ken Lau (簡陋), Ivy Yan (矮肥
> ), Ken Chan (驚青 ), Brain To(不仁道)
> 怨天尤人篇
> Mick Tso (咪嘈), Daisy Hui (打死佢), Peter Siu ( 俾得少), Ida Chan (捱得
> ), Molly Yau (冇理由), Joe Ko (糟糕)


  1. In Hong Kong, we're given Chinese names. When we're teenagers, we gave ourselves English names. Most who left HK use English name as the first name and Chinese name as the middle name.

    Chinese names have meaning like beautiful, strong, intelligent, hard working...

    'Tony' means 'Connected Fortune' in translation. It sounds strange for a Chinese with an Italian name.

    If you know my last name, the combination with John is extremely funny. So are the last names such as Au and Tze.

  2. When there is a marriage between Au and Tze, it makes the top news in Hong Kong. :)
